
Break Point by Garry Michael. Book Review

                                                          Very briefly , "Break Point is a touching story about a closeted, tennis champion who gave up his best friend and lover in one...the only person who truly knew him. In favour of his other first love, tennis. The heartbroken best friend and lover could never comprehend why his heart was broken because he knows for a fact that coming out wouldn't end with familial disputes for either of them. So why? Especially when he's so clearly loved." The author's description left me wanting more but here's the deal. I like a good second chance trope in mmromance as much as I like cheese on my bread - that means not often. I will not name anyone but I can count on one hand the number of authors that know how to give this trope adequate justice. In my opinion most authors fumble with either too much an...

Frat Wars: King of Thieves. Book Review

FRAT WARS: King of Thieves. I think a four star rating is " Frat as Fuck"                                                          It wasn't that long ago when Saxon James , in legendary collaboration with Eden Finley gave us something new, amazing and saucy to read. Unsurprisingly and thankfully, Saxon did not disappoint this round again and good gracious am I still coming down from the high of Saxon's latest gem that is Frat Wars: King of Thieves.  So Basically the book is about two frat brothers where one is the cool, calm, Bailey, whose Kappa brothers are in rival with the Sigma house. The Kappas are your typical preppy, well put together future leaders, philanthropists, CEOs of tomorrow. The Sigmas are your run in the dirt and spend hours chasing a ball for dollars bread type.  In my mind there shouldn't be a problem with their ...